TL4 BCBA Repeat Test Taker Exam Prep Package - 3 Months
Our 30-Minute Exam Review and Study Planning Consultation with a BCBA expert gives you one-on-one access to a coach that will go over your exam score and task-list performance breakdown to help identify your strengths and weaknesses on the test.
After reviewing your exam and scores, your coach will help you build a study plan and lay out some next steps as you start preparing to take the exam again.
About Our Workshop Sessions
In these workshop sessions, your BCBA instructor will provide expert review of practice questions from the Task List 4 section you've selected. Throughout these workshops, your instructor will provide you with strategies to analyze question stems and answer choices, identify key words, and determine the correct answer. You will also have the opportunity to take a practice quiz and review the content to test what you've learned during the workshop.
About Our Questions
Created for BCBAs by BCBAs, our questions aren't just about practice, they're about learning.
With each question, you'll get a detailed rationale that will help you understand not only why the right answer is right, but also why the wrong answers are wrong. Rationales also provide test-taking steps that will help you select the best answer.
Our three-part explanations will help you both learn the content of the exam and also test-taking strategies to help you navigate each question.
Mock Exams & Practice Questions
Our study package gives you a comprehensive study experience. You will begin with an Assessment Exam, while Task-List Quizzes allow you to focus questions by exam topic, and the full-length Practice Exam will help you gauge your exam readiness.
- 3 months subscription - unlimited access
- 100 question assessment exam
- Task-List Quizzes with 260+ questions
- 160 question Practice Exam
- Take exams as many times as you need during your 6-month subscription
Asset Includes | Bundles, Coaching, Online Programs, Workshops |