Are your licensure exam study materials up-to-date? If not, you could be missing an opportunity to boost your future career success as well as your probability of a passing licensure exam score.

Here are three reasons why keeping up-to-date on industry knowledge in the behavioral sciences is vital:  

  1. Know the current laws

When it comes to the behavioral sciences, laws are important. They drive decisions we make as counselors, psychologists, and marriage-family therapists etc. Knowing which laws are currently in place, therefore, is extremely important. When you take your state licensure exam, knowing current laws is crucial to a passing score. When you enter your career, knowing current laws is essential to your knowledge as a professional.

  1. Improve work quality    

New trends in human behavior and best practice are constantly being discovered in the behavioral sciences. Being in the loop with the latest trends will improve the quality of your work as a behavioral scientist. Furthermore, each new edition of licensure exam study materials is an improvement of the last. Having up-to-date study materials, therefore, will help you study more effectively and be a successful professional when you enter your career.

  1. Continue education   

Once you are a licensed behavioral scientist, continuing to stay up-to-date is important. To maintain and consistently improve your competence and performance, it’s important to have a plan for your professional development and continued learning. AATBS will stick with you through your career with continuing education resources.

So, check to see if your licensure exam prep materials are current. If they aren’t, updating your materials will be worth it.