Coaches Corner

  1. Coaches’ Corner Recap: Back to School
    Coaches’ Corner Recap: Back to School

    Melissa and Jennifer discuss how to get back into your routine with the transition from summer to fall.

  2. Meet the Coaches: Melissa and Jennifer
    Meet the Coaches: Melissa and Jennifer

    There’s a lot you don’t know about our in-house coaches, Melissa Mendoza and Jennifer Kolb! 

  3. Coaches' Corner Recap: Habits of Successful Exam Candidates
    Coaches' Corner Recap: Habits of Successful Exam Candidates

    Melissa and Jennifer shared the following habits of successful exam candidates. 

  4. Coaches’ Corner Recap: Beating Procrastination
    Coaches’ Corner Recap: Beating Procrastination

    Melissa and Jennifer discuss how to beat procrastination in our biweekly broadcast of Coaches’ Corner.