Coaches’ Corner Recap: What to do after your exam

In this week’s segment of Coaches’ Corner, which aired Wednesday May 23, coaches Melissa and Jennifer discussed what you should do after you take your licensure exam. They gave the following pointers:

  • Rest

            Whether you have to wait on your results, whether you pass or fail,
            you will be exhausted after the exam. Take time to relax.

  • Post a passing selfie

            Did you pass? Take a selfie and post it on social media with #AATBSPass and
            we will congratulate you by sending you a gift! We want to celebrate with you!

  • Fill out your license application

            Find out the requirements and process in your state and send
            in your application for licensure.

  • Come back to AATBS for continuing education  

            Once you’re licensed, you can stick with the AATBS family
            through continuing education credits!

What if you don’t pass?

            If you fail your attempt at your licensure exam, it’s okay! You still deserve to take a break
            and celebrate the fact that you took the exam.

Some practical steps after a failed attempt are:

  • Write down what you remember from your exam
  • Send in your exam application for your next exam
  • Take the exam a few months later, but not right away.  

If you have any questions about what to do after you take the exam, contact our coaches

See the entire broadcast below. Don’t forget to tune in to Coaches' Corner every other Wednesday live at noon (PT) on our AATBS Exam Prep Facebook page.