In 2017, the ASPPB announced that they were planning to introduce a second exam to the EPPP format known as the EPPP Part 2 - Skills. This second exam of the EPPP, designed to test a candidate’s skills and competency, was originally planned to be introduced in January 2019.  The EPPP 2 was launched in January 2020.

Here are the important things to know about the EPPP 2:

  • In the states and provinces that have already adopted the new EPPP format, two exams must now be passed prior to licensure. The current EPPP (Part 1) will test a candidate's knowledge. The new exam (Part 2) will test real-world skills and competency through the use of computer-based objectives, scenarios, videos, items with multiple correct responses, and other item types.
  • EPPP 2 will ultimately be a mandatory part of the EPPP for all jurisdictions. Rather than letting individual jurisdictions choose their own implementation time-frames, the ASPPB has determined that the integrity of the EPPP depends on Part 2 being treated as an essential part of competency assessment. Thus, all jurisdictions will be required to use both parts of the enhanced EPPP as of January 1, 2026.
  • The exam fee for EPPP 1 is $600 and the exam fee for EPPP 2 is $450, totaling $1050. This does not include test site fees.
  • The EPPP 2 requires its own application to the candidate’s licensing authority for approval to sit for the exam.
  • Once all academic coursework for the degree (excluding practicum, research, or internship credits) has been successfully completed, a candidate will be able to take the EPPP 1. Candidates will not be required to take the EPPP 1 prior to internship, but it will be offered as an option. This will help spread out the financial burden.
  • A candidate will be eligible to take the EPPP 2 after the completion of internship and after the degree has been awarded and after Part 1 has been passed.
  • The domains covered by the EPPP 2 include Scientific Orientation, Assessment and Intervention, Relational Competence, Professionalism, Ethical Practice, and Collaboration, consultation and supervision.

Find EPPP Part 2 study materials here. 

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