How to become a leader in your organization?

Kristie Overstreet Ph.D., LPCC, LMHC, LPC, CST

Do you desire a clinical leadership role in the company you work for? Do you see yourself in a director or administrator position in your organization? Would you like to increase your leadership skills so that you can be more effective at helping others? You dream of advancing your career and evolving as a professional.

You already have many qualities that will make you an excellent leader, but there is always something new to learn to help you through the process. Here are a few things you can do to advance your movement as a leader.

Make a list of your qualities and skills that make you leadership material
Think about what makes you the unique and qualified person that will make an excellent leader. Make a list of every quality and skill you have that proves you are leadership material. This isn’t a time for self-doubt or being critical. Be honest with yourself but also be a cheerleader for the positive skills you have. Don’t hold back and list everything you can think of.

This list will help you in two different ways. First, it will be a great reminder of why you want to be a leader in your organization. It’s actual proof that you have what it takes. This visual evidence is a great reminder that you can do this. Use this as a motivator, especially on hard days when you don’t feel like moving forward. Second, this list will serve as a reminder when you apply for the leadership position. It will help you in the resume and interview process. Don’t wait to make this list, do it now so, you have it for later.

Be authentic and genuine at all times
The best leaders are those who are authentic, genuine, and consistent. Who would you say is a good leader at your organization? What makes them who they are in the leadership position? You probably see them as being a real person. You may even say that they are consistently the same person to all people. For example, a leader doesn’t treat a janitor different than a clinical peer. A leader treats all people the same and doesn’t discriminate.

Being an authentic and genuine person consistently will help you stay true to yourself. It also shows those around you who you are as a person. This inspires others and is the definition of a great leader. If you are fake or phony, others will see through this instantly which can lead them to lose respect for you. A great leader does the right thing when no one is watching.

Always be on the lookout for new opportunities
Do your supervisor and human resources department know that you are open for new opportunities for growth? If not, let both of them know that you have interest in leadership roles. Volunteer to assist with new projects in your organization. Take advantage of any opportunity to show your leadership skills.

Don’t wait for opportunities to approach you, be vigilant, and always on the lookout. Ask your supervisor if there are any new training’s that you can attend to help increase your skills. If you have found a conference or workshop, tell your supervisor about it, and express interest in attending. You are your best advocate, and you need to speak up when you see an opportunity. You never know where it may take you.

Volunteer to give a training
A great way to show your skills and drive is to lead a training to fellow staff at your organization or represent them at a training. Most companies have monthly staff meetings and trainings. Ask your supervisor if you can volunteer to lead one of these events. Tell them that you will organize all of it and make sure it is a success.

This will show your supervisor, human resources, and your organization as a whole that you are a leader who works hard. Don’t say no to any opportunity that comes your way. Even if you don’t have a clue of how you will pull it off, just say “Yes I will.” This shows that you are willing to take on a new challenge and deliver excellent work.

Your enthusiasm, determination, and willingness to jump in to help in situations shows that you are a true leader. Remember not to allow your self-doubt or negative self-talk get in the way of your forward progress. Don’t sit on the sidelines waiting for an opportunity to fall in your lap. Be proactive, continue to grow your skills, and go after the position you desire.