Coaches Corner: How to Resume Studying After a Break

How do you get back into your studies when have been out of school for a while? How can you start or resume preparations for the licensure exam after a prolonged break?

These are common problems in the world of test preparation. Sometimes individuals with a degree in a field like social work, counseling, or psychology will initially get a job that doesn’t actually require licensure. Then, a few years down the road, they find themselves wanting to take a job where licensure is a requirement. Besides the problem of gaining momentum, such individuals may find themselves unsure about changes in the field, or even potential clashes between knowledge gained from clinical practice vs. the textbook knowledge required for the exam.

Similar challenges may arise for individuals who attempted the exam and then took some time off before a second try.

These were some of the problems that Melissa and Jennifer addressed in last week’s Coaches’ Corner broadcast. Our in-house exam coaches explained ways to refamiliarize yourself with material after a break, strategies for keeping yourself motivated, ways to prioritize your studies after taking time off, and how to address some of the common cognitive challenges facing those who begin studying after a long break.

Watch the full video below.

And don’t forget, Coaches Corner happens every Wednesday at 12 (PT). You can sign up for updates and links to these broadcasts on the AATBS Exam Prep Facebook Group.