The Cost of the EPPP

When registering to take the EPPP, there are quite a few expenses you should consider and prepare for. Some graduate programs are generous enough to provide financial support for the cost of the exam which is worth asking about. However, you should prepare to pay for the EPPP as well as other expenses that can arise during certain circumstances.

To start, the EPPP costs $600. In addition, you will face a testing center appointment fee of $87.50. As of June 1, 2023, the test sitting fee will increase to $91.88.

At times, life can throw us curve balls and we might unexpectedly decide to reschedule or cancel the exam. It is important to pay attention to your scheduled test date to determine what fees you might incur in doing so. If you cancel or reschedule the exam 31 days or more before your scheduled test date, there should be no fee and you will face no financial consequence. It is important to pay attention to the number of days remaining until your exam date when attempting to determine if you are ready to take the exam or not. For example, if you are continuing to score in the 50% range on practice exams, you might make the decision to go ahead and reschedule to have an extra month of study time. Pay attention to how you are scoring on your practice tests and decide about a month out from your test date if you want to keep that test date or reschedule it.

If you decide to reschedule or cancel the exam less than 31 days but more than 24 hours before the scheduled exam, you will be charged $87.50, essentially losing the test center appointment fee you paid for. At times, some feel it is worth forfeiting the $87.50 in order to obtain a bit more time reviewing the material for fear of failing and having to take the exam again. However, remember to use your practice tests to provide an estimate of level of preparedness. If you are scoring just below the passing rate, it might be worth rescheduling to have just a few more weeks to boost your overall score and increase confidence on the exam.

Finally, no-shows, cancelling, or rescheduling the exam less than 24 hours before the test will result in forfeiting the total cost of the exam, $687.50.

Some states have adopted the Enhanced EPPP which requires both the current EPPP exam (Part 1 – Knowledge) as well as a second exam (Part 2- Skills). During the beta testing phase, the fee for the EPPP (Part 2-Skills) portion of the enhanced EPPP will be $100.00 per sitting. After beta testing ends, the fee for the remainder of the early adoption phase (until December 31, 2021) will be $300.00 per sitting. After the early adoption phase ends in January 2022, the fee will be $450.00 per sitting.

Finally, as you prepare to take the exam, you will want to invest in study materials to adequately prepare for the exam. Costs of these materials can vary quite significantly depending on what you need. However, you can expect to pay anywhere between $300-$1,500 for study materials.

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