Navigating the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) requires a comprehensive understanding of its core content areas. This assessment serves as a crucial stepping stone for aspiring psychologists, evaluating their proficiency across a diverse spectrum of topics. The EPPP encompasses a multitude of disciplines that form the bedrock of psychological practice, each area meticulously designed to gauge competence and expertise. From the intricate aspects of assessment and diagnosis to the profound ethical, legal, and professional considerations that shape the field, candidates are challenged to showcase their acumen in this intellectual endeavor. Delving into the EPPP's content blueprint reveals a strategic hierarchy of emphasis, shedding light on the domains of knowledge that hold greater sway in the assessment. In this article, we explore the top five content areas that the EPPP assesses, dissecting their significance and providing insights into effective study strategies for success.

Studying for the EPPP


The content areas covered by the EPPP include the following:

  • Assessment and Diagnosis (16%)
  • Biological Bases of Behavior (10%)
  • Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior (13%)
  • Ethical/Legal/Professional Issues (16%)
  • Growth and Lifespan Development (12%)
  • Research Methods and Statistics (7%)
  • Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior (11%)

As you can see, not all areas of the EPPP are weighted the same. You can expect to see a much greater emphasis on ethics compared to statistics, for example. As a result, you want to take this into consideration when preparing for the exam. It’s strongly suggested that you feel confident in your ability to critically think through different ethical dilemmas and how you might respond.

The content areas are ranked here in order of importance and this importance is based on the percentages shown in the list above: Ethics/Legal/Professional Issues, Assessment and Diagnosis, Cognitive-Affective Basis of Behavior, Growth and Lifespan Development, Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior, and Biological Bases of Behavior.

For most new graduates, this often provides a sense of relief! Ethics and assessment are often some of the most emphasized areas in clinical and counseling psychology graduate programs. Many find concepts in these areas familiar, requiring a simple detailed review as well as practice applying concepts to the practice tests.

When looking at these areas of the test, it is important to have an understanding of how these areas correlate to the AATBS study material. For example, Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior is likely to include content from several AATBS domains, including learning theory, cognitive-behavioral interventions, social psychology, and lifespan development. To assist with your study approach, these comparisons are provided for the top 5 content areas of the exam.

Assessment and diagnosis: Psychological assessment, Test construction, Abnormal psychology, Industrial-organizational psychology, Physiological psychology/psychopharmacology, Lifespan development

Biological bases of behavior: Physiological psychology/psychopharmacology, Lifespan development, Abnormal psychology

Cognitive-affective bases of behavior: Ethics and professional issues

Professional/ethical/legal issues: Learning theory and cognitive-behavioral interventions, Social psychology, Lifespan development

Growth and lifespan development Lifespan development, Clinical psychology

Social and cultural bases of behavior:Social psychology, Industrial-organizational psychology, Clinical psychology

Remember, AATBS works to make this easier for you by separating the study material into Category A, B, and C domains. By focusing most of your study time on those Category A and B domains, you should be well prepared on test day. While some people wonder if they should study statistics or test construction at all, especially if it is an area of struggle, always study all of the material at least once!

However, if you find that there are concepts you continue to struggle with that are included in a Category C domain, it is important to decide how much study time you want to allocate to these concepts, especially if you feel you still might benefit from more study time in other heavily emphasized areas of the exam.

As you embark on the journey of preparation, remember that each content area carries its own weight, contributing to the multifaceted landscape of psychological understanding. From the profound insights of ethical considerations to the intricate threads of cognitive-affective bases, every aspect plays a role in shaping the holistic practitioner you aspire to become. By recognizing the nuances of emphasis, aligning your study efforts with the AATBS domains, and committing to a well-rounded approach, you equip yourself with the tools needed to excel on test day. The EPPP, while challenging, also represents an opportunity to fortify your foundation and refine your expertise.

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