The Top 5 Things to do Leading up to the EPPP Exam

No matter how far away the EPPP is, it is never too soon to start preparing. However, it can sometimes feel overwhelming when you look at the sheer number of things that need to be done and mastered before exam day. To help you get a better grip on the things that need to be done, we wanted to make a list of the top five things that every student should do leading up to the EPPP.

5. Demystify the exam as much as possible

Although it sounds like a nearly impossible task, doing your best to “demystify” the exam will help settle your anxiety. Not knowing the hardship in front of you can certainly raise your anxiety which will not help with the feelings of overwhelm which you are undoubtedly already facing. It is important to familiarize yourself with the exam as much as possible. Read blogs about it, look up facts, find out more about your testing site, and even ask colleagues and acquaintances who have taken the exam before. Knowing what lies ahead will help you feel more confident about the entire process.

4. Figure out a timeline for yourself

Research has shown that you need about four months to properly study all of the key terms and ideas you need for the exam. But, if you have the ability, starting your studying even further in advance is better! Make sure to strike a balance between approaching the exam soon after graduation while also allowing yourself enough time to prepare. It is obviously important that you leave yourself enough time to prepare leading up to the exam, but it is also important that you attempt the exam fairly quickly after graduation as well. By taking the exam soon after graduation, you will still have much of your graduate education fresh in your mind. Knowing yourself, your study habits, and under what type of a timeline you work best, pick a test date that will best set you up for success. From there, work backwards to create your study timeline!

3. Run through practice test days

Make sure you practice more than just the actual questions on the exam. The endless hours of studying rote information and critical application of theories will likely make you a little nervous for the exam. Part of getting familiar with the material is practicing how it will be presented to you. It is important to practice taking the exam. Having a mock exam day can work much like an athlete has a mock race day. Wake up at the same time that you would for the exam. Get ready in the same way that you will on exam day. Set up a private area in which you can take a practice exam. Make sure to allot yourself only 4 hours and 15 minutes to take the exam. It is important for you to get comfortable taking the exam much the same way that you will need to get comfortable with the material.

2. Find time for self-care

It is much, much too easy for graduate students and early career professionals to sacrifice an hour of scheduled self-care time in favor of an extra hour to study. Make sure you do not succumb to this temptation! Research has shown that if you let go of your self-care routine, you will perform much lower on major exams such as the EPPP. Leading up to the exam, it is vitally important that you establish a routine for self-care and that you budget time into your schedule to engage in it! It might just be watching TV with someone you care about or it might be going out for a run! No matter how you engage in self-care, to ensure your success on the exam, you must make sure you have enough time devoted to yourself!

1. Get a good night’s sleep!

This one is a major one! Graduate students are not known for having the best sleep habits. Again, although it may be tempting to stay up an extra hour to study, do not give in to the temptation! You already know that information is consolidated much better in your sleep and that a rested brain is better able to take in information! Especially on the night before the big exam, it will be important for you to get enough sleep. Allowing yourself time to rest and recover will help you to study better, retain information better, and ultimately perform better on the exam.

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