The value of adding certifications



Do you ever see all of the credentials behind a clinicians name and wonder how did they achieve all of them? Credentials that show education and continued learning are essential for many reasons. Before jumping into a certification be sure that you have researched it and ensure that it will be useful for your career.


If you are considering a new certification to add to your arsenal of clinical skills, then you are on the right path. Even if you can’t add the certification until months or years later, it’s important to take steps to add value to your resume and education. Here are more reasons why you should consider a new certification.

Shows you value continued education

Whether it’s a potential new client or business opportunity, having a certification shows how important continuing education is to you. Many of these programs also require continued training and education each year to maintain certification. It also shows that you want to stay up to date in your field of interest.

Helps you to become a better clinician

If you choose a certification in a subject, then you are investing time in learning new skills. This is a great way to become a better clinician. You will discover new ideas, techniques, and best practices that you didn’t know before. For example, if you choose to become certified in Hypnotherapy, you will improve your clinical skills which in return gives more value to your clients.

Gives you the potential of being an expert in the field

If you want to specialize in a clinical area and become an expert, certifications are a great way to do this. For example, you are going to be the go-to couples expert in your area; you may want to pursue a certification in an intensive training program such as Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). It would show that you have extensive couples training. It also can in increase your competence and confidence as a clinician.

Helps you stand out in the crowd

Depending on your location, there is likely many clinicians in your area. A great way to stand out is to obtain a certification. You need to pick an area that you are interested in and willing to commit to. For example, if you want to work with clients on sex an intimacy issues, you may want to become a Certified Sex Therapist (CST). This certification will provide you with the extensive training needed to work in this specialty but also help you stand out from other clinicians.

Adding a certification and extra training isn’t a requirement of being a clinician. However, there are many more benefits than just these listed. If you are still trying to decide if you want to add a certification consider asking a mentor or another clinician for their thoughts. Reach out and ask them about their experience.

There are many great education providers out there so remember to choose the one that has good reviews and a proven track record. You will make the right decision about which certification to pursue by researching your options, speaking with other clinicians, and choosing the right education provider.