Transitioning Back to the Routine of Studying for Your Licensure Exam

Are your study hours different this fall than they were during the summer? Depending on the shift in your schedule, you may find yourself with either more time or less time to study than you did during the summer. Whether back to school means back to work or you’re sending your kids off during the day, we’ve got tips to help you succeed in the transition.

Back in July, two of our amazing coaches, Melissa and Jennifer, covered the topic “Back to School, Back to Studying” in our weekly Coaches Corner livestream Through the questions they answered and the topics they discussed, we have three important tips to surviving the back to school transition.

1. Plan

Time management happens when we spend our time intentionally. This means planning. So, get to know your new schedule. Where are the blocks of time you can squeeze in a study session? Jennifer gives advises to look at each week individually and dedicate time slots to your exam prep.

Keep your personal study habits in mind when you schedule time slots. Do you have a habit of letting evenings get away from you? Then perhaps it’s better for you to study in the morning so you don’t let time pass you by later.

2. Prioritize

Once you know your schedule and can fill time slots with studying, stick to it and make it a priority. When your goal is a passing score, studying is something that you should make time for. Be aware of what studying takes precedent over and what it does not. For example, studying is more important than binge-watching Netflix. But, if studying has been holding you hostage from your friends and family for a while, perhaps a movie night with friends or family could be needed.

It’s also important to prioritize studying in every-day situations. Melissa advises to apply what you’re learning to your real-life situations. Applying the concepts in this way will make the concepts stick.

3. Be consistent

Whether the amount of time you can commit to studying increases or decreases, consistency is the answer. Rather than studying for ten hours on a Saturday, spread that time out throughout the week. This will keep your memory fresh and will allow you to develop a habit and a routine.

Consistency will also help you gain confidence. The fresher your memory is, the more you’ll know during a review. Having a successful review can boost your confidence and motivate you to continue studying consistently.

When transitioning back to school and back to studying, plan, prioritize, and be consistent as you look toward achieving your goal.

Ready to start studying?

Make an appointment with our Educational Coordinators to help you build your study plan.