exam prep

  1. Curious about the EPPP 32 Hour Live Online Exam Prep Workshop? Learn more now.
  2. EPPP Part 2 Study Resource: Assessment and Intervention
    EPPP Part 2 Study Resource: Assessment and Intervention

    In March 2016, the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) announced the plan to

  3. How do I study for the EPPP Part 2?
    How do I study for the EPPP Part 2?

    The Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology or (EPPP) Part 2 is a standardized test that

  4. Does my state require the EPPP Part 2?
    Does my state require the EPPP Part 2?

    The EPPP Part 2 (Skills) is an examination required for licensure as a psychologist in many states or