All professional social workers are capable of passing the ASWB social work licensure exam, and yet, not every social worker passes the exam on the first attempt. The licensing exams are designed to be tricky for even the best social workers to pass. In order to pass, social workers need to be prepared for the test itself.

There’s one major differentiator that separates those who pass the exam and those who don’t, and it has nothing to do with their competencies as a social worker. Instead, it’s studying. Time and time again, we find that social workers who use productive study and preparation techniques are more likely to pass.

To help you pass when it’s time to take the exam, we’ve prepared a number of resources to help you get ready. Here are a few of our favorites and how they’ll help you get your license!

Crisis Management Chart

Your clients will face a wide variety of crises, and the test expects you to know how to solve the most common ones seen by social workers. Our easy to read, in color chart explains what your legal and ethical requirements are a number of crisis situations, such as child or elder abuse, suicide, and domestic violence or intimate partner abuse. After getting your license, this chart will continue to be useful when navigating your social work practice.

The chart can be displayed at full size or folded in half. This is a special, exclusive item that you can only get through us.

DSM-5 Fast Flip Reference Cards

Knowing and understanding the current DSM-5 is essential for social workers taking them exam. We provide over 350 cards conveniently put together on a ring for ease of use. These flashcards contain the essential components of the DSM-5 that every social worker needs to know, such as the diagnoses, criteria, and differential diagnosis. These reference cards are large enough to easily read but small enough to easily carry anywhere. Take them with you to work or on the go to study anytime.

Crush Your Test Anxiety Workbook

Preparing for the exam is more than just understanding the material. You’ll also need to master the mental game of successful test taking. Many of us are memorize the material successfully, but our anxiety during the test itself keeps us from performing our best. In other cases, we have the knowledge but get confused by the tricky wording in the test questions.

Our test anxiety workbook will teach you how to stay calm and in control as you study and take the exam, as well as learning how to ace question wording that might otherwise trip you up. This book is a must-have for anyone who’d like to be more focused and relaxed for test day.

One-on-One Coaching with an Exam Expert

Individualized support is one of the most efficient means for getting exam ready. Our qualified coaches specialize in knowing the clinical licensure exams and how to get ready for them. In a session, our coaches will go over any specific questions you have about the social work exam, where to focus based on your mock test results, and develop a plan with you to help you most effectively study based on your individual needs.

Our mission at AATBS is to help great clinicians pass their exams and get licensed. We offer many study tools created by experts in the field, which are always up to date and specifically calibrated to help you pass the social work licensure exam. You can read about all the materials we offer at