what is the eppp?

  1. Updates to the EPPP
    Updates to the EPPP
    Updates to the EPPP The Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (the EPPP) has been a tremendous
  2. EPPP: Top 5 Things to Do Leading Up to Your Exam
    EPPP: Top 5 Things to Do Leading Up to Your Exam
    You’ve been studying for a long time at this point. You’ve reviewed all the material, taken the practice
  3. The Top 10 Theories and Concepts in the Research Methods and Statistics Section of the EPPP
    The Top 10 Theories and Concepts in the Research Methods and Statistics Section of the EPPP

    Often, preparing for Statistics on the EPPP is met with feelings of anxiety and can even be overwhelming.

  4. What is the EPPP?
    What is the EPPP?

    The Examination for Professional Practice of Psychology (EPPP) is the licensing exam one must take to